JHD Designs was Commissioned to create a form of reference for the Jung Wa Kung Fu Association. The focus was on specific forms of Shaolin Martial Arts systems including the Hung System. The by product was a DVD set focusing on various degress of training and how martial arts has influenced the world culturally in both film and music (Primarily Hip Hop). The Jung Wa School is in the lineage of Yee's Hung Ga. THE LINEAGE OF YEE'S HUNG GA can be traced all the way back to the Shaolin Temple. Abbot Gee Sim Sim See passed his teachings on to several students - one of whom was Hung Hei Guen. Hung Hei Guen formally founded the Hung Ga style in the early 1700s. Below is an illustration of our lineage from Hung Hei Guen's disciple, Luk Ah Choi, onward.